What the Rotorua Rafting Crew get up to during Lockdown

What happens when you put a bunch of hyperactive raft guides into lockdown for a month?
Well, they get creative...
On a typical day, Rotorua Rafting's amazing staff will hit the surf before blowing the minds of our stoked guests three to five times per day then finish it off with a mass mountain bike shred in Rotorua's world-renowned Redwood forest.
Without the freedom to do this their minds are spinning and the muscles are twitching.
Here are our favourites from the Rotorua Rafting crew.

Kim has been getting her surf on in the living room, unable to sit still she has been throwing Shakka Brahs through the house in between mediation, yoga, and making homoeopathic magic potions.

Raine has been working on her Safety Kayak Skills from the roof of the house making it as reel as possible. She will be safer than ever when we get back to business.

The boys have taken the opportunity to hone in on their personal appearances with some absolute Stella self-made haircuts. Hopefull the hairdresser is open in the immediate future.

Angelo and Charl have created their own special bubble and have been whipping up apocalyptic ready traps. This here Snare trap has already lassoed a goat! Don't worry they let her go minutes after being caught.

Nathan the Stead has taken the opportunity to hone in on his romantic beach walk skills. We did find it a little strange doing these walks with his sister? I guess that's the norm when you come from Tokoroa? Just kidding, Nate is loving the family time at the mount.

Bradley has taken the opportunity to train his daughters in the tourism industry, desperate times will require cheaper labour and his daughters look over the moon with the new career. Watch out for Bradley and Isla yelling on a river near you soon.

Jesper's world has flipped over, the oat eater with endless energy has had to take to new sports to keep himself sane! Lucky for Jesper his personal coach is the best yoga master in all of Greenland. Lea the love of his life can often be spotted performing yoga whilst riding polar bears and whales. She is the real-life Pocahontas they make a great flexible team.

Have a party of course. Why wouldn't you have a party with your bubble and a goat? The Eames of Awastone have been going crazy and needed to create fictional characters that were single and ready to mingle.