Rotorua Rafting among Māori tourism operators redefining sustainable travel

In a recent NZ Herald article by Jessica Wynne Lockhart, Rotorua Rafting was placed up there with some of the leading Māori tourism operators in the country.
Along with Kai Waho (Taupo), Rua Awa Lodge (Taumaranui),Te Wharewaka o Pōneke (Wellington) & Whanganui River Adventures (Whanganui), Rotorua Rafting was commended for our role sustainability efforts in the community.
Lockhart saw the humour in our “wonderfully cheeky tagline for Rotorua Rafting's sustainability endeavours : Make Ōkere Great Again.
Rotorua Rafting is now widely recognised for our sustainability efforts through initiatives like trapping in the Ōkere Falls Reserve, helping to reduce predators along the Kaituna River, gorse removal along the Kaituna riverbanks and planting over 5,000 native trees (with plans to plant 10,000 more)
As a carbon positive business it's our goal to continue to be recognised as leaders in the industry, give back to Papatūānuku, and encourage others to strive for sustainable greatness.
Read the full article by Jessica here